Your Exclusive Invite To Join The Hockey Performance Academy


The Only Program That Will Show You How To Prepare Mentally And Physically So That You And Get Selected For The Next Level In Hockey, Without Burning Yourself Out.

Lauren has been featured in


Performance Coach and Former International Hockey Player

You're probably here because you... 

Don't feel like you've lived up to your potential as a hockey player yet.

And you don't want to REGRET not being the player you could be.

You want to play at the highest level you can.

And progress to the next level by getting selected for a higher team.

Perhaps you even have the desire to compete for your country...

But you're not sure how to get there.

Chances are you’ve played hockey for many years but you regret not believing in yourself in the past.

You don’t want to settle for mediocre and you want to be the best possible version of yourself.

Deep down you know you have more to give.

Looking back you realise you probably haven’t been as prepared as you could've been.

And you have a sense of regret.

Even though you're getting older, it’s not too late.

The good news is that you still have time to put things right and show yourself what you’re capable of.

Even if you've been playing hockey for years or you've had break and come back, you are NOT too old and there is still something to strive for.

With a bit of effort you CAN still compete at a high level...

Do you want to look back in 10 years time with regret, thinking I could’ve done this or that?

Or seeing what others achieve and saying "I could’ve been there too"

This is your second chance to see how good you can be.

what is possible?

Imagine walking onto the field before every game feeling confident

(not worried about mistakes or comparing yourself to others)

Imagine being able to... 

Use good skills in games consistently and staying calm on the ball even under pressure to make the right decisions.

Imagine beating players and taking the shot, instead of always passing. 

Imagine walking off the field at the end of games...

Feeling happy and proud of the way you’ve played,

knowing that you’ve made an impact in the game.

Imagine travelling around the world competing for your country, creating amazing experiences and memories that you'll never forget.


Deep down you want this, but the biggest obstacle you face is yourself.

The self doubt that causes you to hesitate in key moments 

The fear of failure, playing safe to avoid disappointment and judgement from others, which leads to being overlooked

The negative inner critic that lies to you and tells you that "you're not good enough"

You are your own worst enemy.

This is why you underperform in big games, trials or tournaments

You have the ability in training but as soon as there’s pressure you:

Panic pass, 

Miss-trap balls and 

Hide away, often passing to others when you should go yourself.

You compare yourself to others and worry that others will think:

"You are not a good player."

So you don’t take risks and play safe.

But how can you get noticed by coaches and selectors when you don’t trust yourself?

When you’re on fire you’re great, but that doesn’t happen often enough to get noticed.

You often wonder if you have what it takes and you ask yourself:

“Am I even good enough?”

“Why bother?”

“Am I too old for this?”

You don’t have a name or any past glory to rely on.

Maybe you have: 

· Missed out on selection

· Not been getting game time or

· You’ve been dropped

And you have some deep rooted fears and doubts that are holding you back.

You worry about putting in the work and not reaching your goals.

“What if I miss out again?”

It's easy to blame external factors such as politics, coaches
and selectors for past setbacks.

Now there may be some truth to these...

But is this really the only reason you didn’t make it?

Which is why your answer is probably NO to these questions:

• Do you go into trials and games 100% prepared, leaving no stone unturned?

• Do you mentally prepare for games, trials and tournaments?

• Do you perform your best at least 80% of the time? some stuff

Don’t blame your poor preparation on things that you cannot control.

You have to give coaches and selectors an undeniable reason to select you.

And you need to take responsibility for your own performance.



The biggest problem is your focus has been on your physical game and you’ve neglected the most important part...

Underperforming and inconsistency is a mental game issue.

If you can do something in training with little pressure but you’re not doing it in games when you're under more pressure, it’s a mindset issue, not physical.

There is so much more to hockey than just skills and running.

You've probably tried watching youtube videos, practicing your skills, generic fitness workouts, HIIT
sessions and 5km's runs but understand this...

Simply working on your fitness and practicing your skills is NOT going to solve the problem of inconsistency and underperforming.

If you don’t do any mental training your fears and doubts will get in the way of your performance.

Working on your mental game does NOT make you weak, it makes you better.

You will never play your best if you don’t train your mind.

Now you may be motivated to work hard, but you’ve also got to learn how to work smart.

you'rE working hard, but not smart

 ...which ultimately leads to injuries and burnout    

Working hard on the wrong things just leads to niggles, re-occuring injuries and the risk of burning yourself out in the process.

Going for 5km runs and sprinting is not enough to get you fit for hockey.

In fact, doing this could lead to injury issues, in fact most players don’t have the foundations of mobility, stability and strength to handle the demands of hockey. 

Then there's the muscular imbalances which are created from playing hockey over many years, which most players never address, until it is too late. 

This can lead to time away from playing and worse... surgery!

Don't ignore niggles, hoping they just go away. They won't.

Maybe they do, but they come back because you don’t deal with the root cause of the problem.

If you rely on strapping, ice and painkillers, you're masking the problem.

Re-occurring injuries means you are not listening to your body and giving it what it needs.

You feel guilty for resting and you don’t take your recovery seriously.

You do random workouts with no idea whether you're progressing or not because you don’t have a structured and progressive program.

You probably also don’t have a recovery plan to prevent injury, which is essential to extend how long you can play competitively for.

You need to train smarter if you want to be the best version of yourself.



The physical stuff is easy when you have the right mindset.

But if your self talk is negative and you only notice the mistakes you make, it will affect your confidence.

It’s the same old negative voice.

And it's draining.

No amount of physical training will unlock the cycle of negative thinking, which makes it harder to get to where you want to be.

To shift this subconscious pattern you need to change from the inside.

You are the problem, but you are also the solution.

Hesitating in key moments means you're using the wrong part of your brain that's required for peak performance.

Right now, if you’re not getting the results for the effort you put in...

If you are not where you know you could be,

If you feel like no matter what you try you can’t get to the next level,

Or you’re not progressing as fast as you could be and you feel stuck at the same level...

Then I have good news for you.


you are not alone.

My name is Lauren Penny

And over the last 10 years I’ve been helping hockey players just like you.

In fact, I went through this myself before I became an international hockey player.

When I missed out on selection at junior level I almost quit because I was so disappointed.

I used to push myself too hard, which just led to injuries and burnout.

A few years later I made the senior international team and went to the Olympics, even though:

• I didn't make a junior national team

• The coach & selectors didn't know me

• I lived 6000km's away

And I was selected over players that had more skill that me.

So if I can do it, so can you.

That's why I came up with a 4 pillar framework and a system
that can help you reach your goals.

If you’re ready to reach a higher level in hockey, let me show you exactly how the Hockey Performance Academy Program can help you.



First you have to be able to do the skills required in training under no pressure.

If you can’t do the skills in training it’s unlikely you’ll execute them in games when you’re under pressure.

In the HPA program, we'll explore:

• First touch receiving skills 

• Passing & shooting skills

• Ball control & elimination (including 3D skills)

• Advanced Skills (i.e. overhead/upright reverse, etc)

​• Specialist skills (i.e. drag flick)

If you started playing late, had a break from hockey or just need to catch up on some of the modern day skills, this step will help you out.

The goal here is to be able to execute your skills 80% consistently in training.




Playing hockey requires various aspects of physical conditioning.

It is not enough to go for 5km runs or just do some sprints to prepare for the season as it can be ineffective and lead to injuries.

Our 7 phased approach will help you to not only maximise your performance and optimise energy levels, but also reduce your risk of injury and help you recover quicker.

As a result you'll: 

· Be stronger on the ball

· Pass & shoot with more power

· Win more 50/50’s and

· Reduce mistakes from fatigue




Developing your game awareness will help you gain a two second advantage so that you are in the right place at the right time.

You will be able to anticipate what is going to happen next based on the clues around you that most players miss.

Being able to identify and create space in game situations is a key component to being a great hockey player.

Here you can learn international insights that can help you to be a step ahead of your opposition.




To reach the next level you need to be able to perform your best consistently especially when you’re under pressure and others are watching you.

Before games you need to get into the right state of mind to feel ready and confident and to deal with any nerves or anxiety that comes up.

During games you need to manage your emotions, move on from mistakes and stay focussed so you make the right decisions in key moments.

Dwelling on mistakes after games can cause confidence issues and fear in future games.

Worrying about what others think means you're not in the right state of mind for optimum performance so you need to learn how to let go of this.

Your mental game is simply eliminating the barriers that get in the way of your best performances.

Imagine how good you could be if you developed the mind and body of an Olympian.

Now you can...



I created the Hockey Performance Academy with one thing in mind.

To help you improve your performance and consistency
so that you can reach a higher level in your game, and leave the field with no regrets.


When you join the Hockey
Performance Academy, you'll get:

When you join the Hockey Performance Academy, you'll get:


$297 value

A training library of skills tutorials, tips, drills and challenges including receiving, passing, shooting, dribbling and elimination skills, as well as more advanced skills, including how to drag flick.


$297 value

Our 7 phased periodised strength and conditioning program will help you to get fitter, stronger and faster on the hockey field so that you win more 50/50 balls and increase power in your passes & shots. 

You'll gradually progress through each phase depending on where you are in the season, so you peak at the right time whilst reducing your risk of injury.

Imagine being the fittest you've ever been...


$394 value

Learn how to improve your leading and positioning to get more ball, identify space, know when to pass and when take it yourself, defending strategies to win more turnovers and how to be more deceptive to create space and be unpredictable.


$297 value

You'll learn how to unlock any barriers that are holding you back from performing your best. 

We'll teach you how to get fired up, take more risks, build bulletproof confidence, master your emotions to perform your best under pressure and overcome setbacks so that you become a fearless competitor. 

You'll also get access to a library of guided audios to help you re-condition your mind for success.


$394 value

With so many ways to improve both on and off the field, how do you know what to focus on and when? 

That's where the HPA Roadmap comes in, guiding you through exactly what targets to work towards depending on where you are in your season. 


$297 value

You can't improve what you don't measure.

That's why we'll also give you access to our tracking templates which takes the guess work out and allows the facts to guide you. 

Seeing your progress is a great motivational tool that helps you to keep progressing.


$294 value

You'll get access to your program via an app, so that you can schedule and log your workouts, watch video demos, track your progress, get PB notifications and listen to the guided audios that will help you to get you into the right state of mind to train & perform at your best.


$377 value

The best part is that you are not doing this alone. 

The key to keep making progress is the community, who will be your cheerleaders and help you to stay motivated and on the right track.

Being part of our community will inspire you to keep going and will lift you up on the low days.

Plus we also run a monthly Q&A session so you can ask questions, get support and learn from others on the same journey. 

total value


 Get started today for just $49 per month

you'll learn how to

  • Be more effective and smart with your time by focussing on the right things

  • Improve your first step quickness to beat your player, win more 50/50's and become a dangerous threat

  • Reduce your risk of injury  and prevent overtraining and burnout

  • ​Get more ball so you can have more impact in games

  • Identify and create space, improve first touch receiving and decision making

  • ​Be more unpredictable to get out of tight spaces and score more goals

  • Mentally prepare like an Olympian so that nothing throws you off your A game

  • ​Be calm, confident and composed before, during and after games

In this program you'll have everything you need to reach the next level and become an unstoppable hockey player,

Plus, you'll feel like you deserve your place in the team, because you'll be making an impact in at least 80% of games that you play.

And doing it without burning yourself to the ground or giving up your day job...



aspiring to make regional, state or junior national teams 

Club Players

that want to play in a higher club team or league

Masters Players

(over 35-65) that want to break into or dominate at regional, state or international level



this program is designed for players only

​Complete beginners:

we recommend that you've played hockey for at least 3 years (minimum)

Players who are NOT serious about improving and not willing to try new things


Want to hear from those who've been through our program?

Watch this short video to hear how our program has helped them.

Consider where you could be in 12 months from now... 

ok, so what's the investment to join?

First, let me ask you a question…

If you were finally able to reach the next level in your game and get to experience the adrenaline of competing at a higher level…

And you felt a deep level of inner confidence and satisfaction from within, which leaves you feeling on top of the world, what would this be worth to you?

For most, it is life changing.

The Hockey Performance Academy is NOT for those that are not serious about improving.

This isn’t some short term quick fix.

And it’s not for players that aren't willing to do the work.

Which is why this program is designed to be done over at least of 12 months.


Because you will have so many opportunities to improve your game throughout the year.

And there is so much you can to improve do BUT...


Which is why we've broken this program down into: 

Off-season focus
(12 weeks)

Pre-season focus
(12 weeks)

In-season focus
(typically 24 weeks)

Transition period 
(2-4 weeks)

Your focus will be different depending on where you are in the season.

Over the last 10+ years of helping hockey players we've developed a system and processes that get results.

We'll show you how you can improve all year round (even when you're not playing hockey), so that you show up to your first pre-season training ready for a great season.

You don't have to try figure everything out on your own. 

It's time to take the guesswork out of your preparation.

This is your opportunity to learn international insights so that you give the selectors every reason to select you.


A-players who are committed.

A-players who are willing to play the long term game.

And if that’s you, your investment will get you access to this system.

To gain access to the Hockey Performance Academy is one payment of $497 USD. 

Or you can pay $49 per month.

Get started by clicking the button below...


The two choices are simple...

The first is to not take action.

To see this opportunity and pull yourself back.

Pulled back by the feeling that you can do figure it out on your own.

Pulled back by the fear of commitment and whether or not this will work for you.

Yet this is the same feeling that has kept you stuck, confused and not moving forward.

This feeling is why you haven’t reached the next level yet.

And without making the decision to commit 100% you won't achieve the
breakthrough that you want.

You'll keep blaming things outside of your control.

For years, I was blamed politics, coaches and others and I was afraid of making commitments because I didn't want to fail.

But I was just setting myself up for failure.

You may wondering if this will work for you...

The reality is, that it's up to you.

Our system works and we have many success stories and case studies to back it up.

But unless you make a commitment nothing will change and you'll stay
where you're at.

And you won't know unless you try.

Will you continue to allow your fears and doubts to hold you back?

the section option is to back yourself

and to realise that nothing will magically just 'work' for you

There are literally hundreds of players that have seen amazing transformations from this program.

Let me give you the real secret to succeeding...

Succeeding is about having the courage to make commitments and saying no to giving up.

And no matter what, adopting the mindset of:

Learning, doing, reflecting and growing.

If you adopt that principle you will end up succeeding.

It’s just a matter of when...

So my question to you is…

What are you deciding to do?

Are you deciding to make a COMMITMENT?

Or are you deciding to repeat the same pattern that brought you here in the first place:



“Waiting for the right moment”

The right moment is when you finally decide that you will start owning your performance and results.

It's time to get out of your own way.

We'll be waiting for you on the other side.

a few examples of what others have said:

i was so nervous to join HPA because my confidence was so bad and I didn't think anyone could help me. However I have since managed to make it through various selections. If Lauren hadn't helped me I absolutely  100% would not be plating to the standard that I am now.

I used to be afraid of taking on challenges and would hide away but Lauren pulled me out of my comfort zone and I've achieved things I didn't even think possible. Not only has my game changed immensely but I also have a more positive outlook on life in general too.

Lauren piper Now playing in Premier League

When I started the program I had started my season poorly and to show how effective this was I accomplished my target of becoming player of the season within my team.

Without this program I'm positive that this wouldn't have been achievable and I'm overjoyed with that I've experienced. I have a new confidence in myself not only on the pitch but also outside of sport in the working world. I can' recommend learning these skills enough.

Jamie Mcdonald Senior Club Player

The experience on the HPA program has been amazing and massively helpful. It has helped me improve the mental side of my game, being able to maintain a positive attitude throughout a match, control my emotions and understand how to prepare to get into the right mental state to perform to my true potential.

It has improved my game so much and my confidence has soared!. This is the answer for anyone who wants to improve their game and take it to the next level.  

Ellie Rayer Now a GB Senior International Player (was 17 years )

What a fantastic program! I have really learnt a lot particularly on the mental side of the game. I and now a far more confident pleater which enables my skills to show through.

The parodied fitness program has been a god send as for me as if means
 I have more structure and know exactly what I need to do. The nutrition module was also useful and the guided visualization audio downloads are amazing.

Overall I have more confidence on the ball, am better a pre scanning and my first touch has also improved. I've also improved my vision, mental toughness, speed and agility.

For me as an older player this whole experience has been amazing and knowing that I am doing things right and seeing myself progress at my age and become a better plater for my country is what its all about.

Rachel Collier Welsh International Masters Player (over 40)

The program has helped me to play better, my thinking is more positive and I have learnt exactly how to prepare for games and get into the zone for my ideal performance. Lauren has helped improve my confidence  when I needed it most and is exactly what I needed as preparation for the Olympic Games. 

Bruno Sousa Brazilian Senior International Player

I had struggled with my mental approach for quite a number of years, despite credit and positive comments that I get from people. This is something that can help anyone of any standard or any age to improve themselves in sport and life.

Andrea Leader Senior Club Player, South Africa


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