Unlock Tight Hips

5 Ways To Unlock Tight Hips As a Field Hockey Player

March 09, 20241 min read

Do you ever battle with tightness around your hips, knees or back, making it difficult to execute a flawless slap shot, tomahawk or tackle?

Having good range of motion is crucial so that we can get into the low positions required in field hockey.

Yet, our modern lifestyle has us chained to our desks where prolonged sitting is the norm, coupled with the forward-bending posture we adopt during play, both fostering hip stiffness which not only hampers our game but can lead to a cascade of other niggles.

Pain in one area might stem from another, so discomfort in your back or knee could be a signal of tight hip muscles.

With everything in your body intricately linked, maintaining hip mobility is crucial not only for staying off the injury list but also for boosting your speed and power on the pitch.

That's why I put together the video below that reveals 5 essential exercises for field hockey players to unlock those tights hips, ensuring you stay injury free and at the top of your game.

5 Ways To Unlock Tight Hips As a Field Hockey Player

Want more inspiration?

If you're a hockey player aged 35-75+ years and you're looking for ways to stay competitive or to take your game to the next level, even as you get older, then check out the 4 Ways To Modernise Your Hockey FREE TRAINING here

'where age is no limit'

Or if you'd like personalised coaching and support you can apply to work with us here

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Unlock Tight Hips

5 Ways To Unlock Tight Hips As a Field Hockey Player

March 09, 20241 min read

Do you ever battle with tightness around your hips, knees or back, making it difficult to execute a flawless slap shot, tomahawk or tackle?

Having good range of motion is crucial so that we can get into the low positions required in field hockey.

Yet, our modern lifestyle has us chained to our desks where prolonged sitting is the norm, coupled with the forward-bending posture we adopt during play, both fostering hip stiffness which not only hampers our game but can lead to a cascade of other niggles.

Pain in one area might stem from another, so discomfort in your back or knee could be a signal of tight hip muscles.

With everything in your body intricately linked, maintaining hip mobility is crucial not only for staying off the injury list but also for boosting your speed and power on the pitch.

That's why I put together the video below that reveals 5 essential exercises for field hockey players to unlock those tights hips, ensuring you stay injury free and at the top of your game.

5 Ways To Unlock Tight Hips As a Field Hockey Player

Want more inspiration?

If you're a hockey player aged 35-75+ years and you're looking for ways to stay competitive or to take your game to the next level, even as you get older, then check out the 4 Ways To Modernise Your Hockey FREE TRAINING here

'where age is no limit'

Or if you'd like personalised coaching and support you can apply to work with us here

For more hockey tips and training DOWNLOAD OUR FREE mobile app using the buttons below

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field hockeyfield hockey tipsfield hockey trainingfield hockey skills trainingfield hockey training programfield hockey injury preventionfield hockey mobilityfield hockey fitness
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